A great resource to help us understand the current banking system and how it’s evolved is Murray Rothbard’s A History of Money and Banking in the United States. The Mises Institute makes the book available for free in PDF format right here: https://mises.org/library/history-money-and-banking-united-states-colonial-era-world-war-ii
A great resource to help us understand the current monetary system is Episode One of Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets of Money series. You can find it right here: https://goldsilver.com/hidden-secrets/episode-1/
If you would like to download our Asset Allocation Spreadsheet template, you can find it here: Asset Allocation Spreadsheet
And if you would like help with building a customized asset allocation model, please see our Finance for Freedom program here: Finance for Freedom Masterclass Page
Would you like a clean template for analyzing the numbers with regards to real estate investments? We’ve made our analysis spreadsheet available to you at: Real Estate Cash Flow Analysis
And you can find a solid online mortgage calculator at https://www.mortgagecalculator.org/
You can learn more about KBKG’s cost segregation services at the following link: https://www.kbkg.com/residential-costsegregator
Traveling Mailbox allows us to associate different mailing addresses with different accounts. Learn more here: https://travelingmailbox.com/
MySudo allows us to use different phone numbers with our accounts. Learn more here: https://mysudo.com/
ProtonMail allows us to use different email addresses for different accounts. Learn more here: https://proton.me/mail
Finance for Freedom Masterclass is our training program designed to help you build true financial security. We provide robust training complete with proprietary spreadsheets to help you integrate everything quickly. We also faciliate group mastermind sessions. More information here: https://financeforfreedomcourse.com/mastermind
If you’re interested in learning more about our investment membership The Phoenician League, you can find more information on our program and our vision right here: https://phoenicianleague.com/secret